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Library Renovation Minutes 11/16/11
NOVEMBER 16, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 AM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Room, Town Hall Bldg. 1. Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Secretary David Goldsholl, Janet Stokesbury, Diane Carney, Barbara Leonard and Scott Boos. Member absent: J. Tad Kuziak. Also in attendance were Assistant to the Town Manager Steve Bartha, Director of Public Works Bruce Williams, Library Director Virginia Vocelli and Enterprise Builders Project Engineer Wayne Czarnecki.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to accept the October 19, 2011 minutes as presented. None opposed.


Ms. Leonard attended the previous night’s Town Council meeting where the Library Board of Trustees and Friends of the Avon Library presented their $500,000 donation to the town. Mr. Bartha referred to an additional handout, not included in the agenda packet, detailing the resolution from the Town Council accepting the contribution to the project and expressing the Council’s sincere thanks and gratitude. Mr. Goldsholl questioned if the State had given any of the grant funds yet. Mr. Bartha said they did not. Ms. Hornaday concurred that the members would like to thank the Library Board and Friends for the many ways they support the project and their financial as well.

Mr. Bartha referred to a second, additional handout outlining the work that has been done at the library following the storm despite the lack of power. The superintendent brought in the flooring, operable partition, millwork and shelving contractors to complete the work they could do in the absence of power. Mr. Bartha continued that the move was pushed back one week because of the outage and the demolition will not begin until the week of the November 21st. Mr. Bartha credits the superintendent, Ms. Vocelli and her managers for keeping the project moving during this time. He said too that this should not impact the November 28th reopening.

Ms. Vocelli said she and a few managers were able to come in during that week of the storm and do things to facilitate the move and enable the superintendent to begin the demolition. She added that the move is going very well and finds the moving company, William B. Meyers, is very easy to work with. Ms. Vocelli invited the members to stop by the library. Ms. Vocelli plans a reopening celebration inviting the Avon Patch to take some pictures and invited the members to attend the 28th at 10:00 AM.

Mr. Goldsholl questioned the recent BAN sale. Mr. Bartha said that this was the second one, which would be followed next year by the sale of long-term debt. Mr. Goldsholl asked if the interest cost would be applied to the project. Mr. Bartha said no and that we were actually ahead for the year because of the delay in the project’s start. Ms. Stokesbury questioned if the 1.5% was a good interest rate for the purchase of the debt. Mr. Bartha said it was the net interest cost (interest rate and premium) that they focus on, and that at .2786%, compared to similarly rated municipalities and the size of the loan, even surpassed the expectations of the Town’s financial advisor.

V. UPDATE AND REPORT FROM a. Construction Manager, b. Architect
Mr. Czarnecki said the project was in the transitional move phase, with the demolition scheduled to start Monday the 21st. The final coat of paving will be Friday and Mr. Czarnecki requested that Ms. Vocelli have everyone park away from the site. He is wrapping up miscellaneous punch list items on the interior such as touch up painting. On the exterior the pavers are going into the courtyard with most of the egress walkways complete. Topsoil has been put in the back with the rest of the landscaping to be planted and wrapped up. Ms. Stokesbury questioned if the carpet had been installed. Ms. Carney questioned if the waviness in the carpet had gone away. Ms. Vocelli said there was less of it and Mr. Czarnecki said it would shrink as it settles.

Mr. Wells was absent for his report.

Mr. Goldsholl questioned the status of the roof valley drainage issue. He recalled that Mr. Wells would think more about a solution and that everyone didn’t want to add another structure there. Mr. Bartha said there still had to be a resolution to the water coming down. Ms. Vocelli added that the building inspectors had also been involved in the discussion. Mr. Williams said we were going to keep the affected door as a convenience, rather than fill it in, on recommendations by the building officials. Mr. Boos reminded that we originally noticed the problem by water coming in under the door and questioned if it was just a lack of a sweeper on the bottom. Mr. Williams said the issue of the water coming off the roof like it does still needs to be remedied. Mr. Bartha said this needs to be discussed at the next meeting with Mr. Wells involved. Ms. Hornaday asked Mr. Bartha to relay this to Mr. Wells and put it on the agenda for next time. Ms. Hornaday questioned if the door was going to be used as an entrance way to the new part. Ms. Vocelli said no that a door was made out of windows in the Community Room. Mr. Boos questioned a similar issue on the south side and if an RFI had been done on it. Mr. Czarnecki will check with the superintendent as Mr. Boos said we can not let that go. Ms. Hornaday concluded that we need to check all the places where water is an issue from the roof and to address them all to avoid future problems.

Mr. Goldsholl questioned if there was adequate egress in the new part. Mr. Czarnecki said there were many spots. Mr. Boos said this was a major item for the officials when doing a certificate of occupancy inspection.

VI. OLD BUSINESS a. Project Budget Update, b. Approval of Invoices
Mr. Bartha noted that the invoices are reflected in the budget summary in order to give a clear view of where we are today. Two items Mr. Bartha wanted to focus on were the building and contingency portions. The building is at 75% while the contingency is at 50%. He cautioned that there were additional change orders in the pipeline and that the roof valley issue still needed to be addressed. Ms. Stokesbury questioned if 75% would apply to the new part with only 25% left for the old and were people being paid ahead. Mr. Bartha said that no one was being paid in advance.  He noted that the addition included several large ticket items that would not be repeated in the renovation, such as the site work or the million dollar geothermal system. Mr. Goldsholl questioned if the heating system was turned on. Mr. Czarnecki said yes and the system works. Ms. Vocelli said the water was turned on too.

Mr. Bartha requested that three invoices be added to the agenda that were not included in the packets to the members.

VOTE: Ms. Stokesbury motioned, Mr. Goldsholl seconded and all agreed to add the three additional invoices to the agenda. None opposed.

Mr. Bartha presented the monthly Enterprise Builders invoice for October. Mr. Boos questioned the lack of signatures on the copy and if it had been reviewed. Mr. Bartha said yes and that he had the original in his office. The Tuthill & Wells invoice reflects two months of billing. The next three invoices related to the BAN sale.

Mr. Bartha discussed the three additional bills not included with the agenda. Two were for items missed: shelving for the custodial closet and patching near the temporary door. Mr. Boos questioned the third invoice that deals with cleaning. After some discussion it was agreed that this invoice from Facilities Services Group would be paid from the Public Works general services and not applied to the project.  

Ms. Hornaday asked for a vote to approve the invoices.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to approve for payment the following invoices: Enterprise Builders, Inc. Application and Certificate for Payment #012, $816,462,00, dated 10/31/11, Tuthill and Wells Architects, LLC invoice #3929, $17,206.00, dated 11/2/11, People’s United Bank, Exhibit A, $375.00, dated 11/1/11, Ipreo, invoice #10020935, $918.83, dated 10/31/11, Ipreo, invoice #10020831, $1,500.00, dated 9/30/11, Dixworks LLC, invoice, $2,600.00, dated 11/1/11, Galasso Materials LLC, invoice #M-162701, $365.56 and The Home Depot, invoice $433.70, dated 10/27/11 for a total of $839,861.09. None opposed.

Mr. Bartha included change orders for informational purposes that did not require a committee vote. Mr. Goldsholl noted that the change orders are already reflected in Mr. Bartha’s updated budget. Ms. Stokesbury questioned the mounted emergency lights in the stairwells. Mr. Czarnecki said they needed to use these because the ceiling grids were removed in the stairwells.

Mr. Bartha presented the 2012 meeting schedule thru June 20, 2012. Meetings will be held the first Wednesday of the month @7:30 AM and 7:00 PM the third Wednesday. The location for the meeting will be the Avon Room Town Hall Building 1.

VOTE: Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Carney seconded and all agreed to accept the meeting schedule as presented. None opposed.

VOTE: Ms. Leonard motioned, Mr. Goldsholl seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 AM. None opposed.

                                                                Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                                David Goldsholl, Secretary